Friday, May 1, 2009

My latest 100th Monkey Moment

During my dendrite explosion caused by seeing the MS Surface device, I had the thought that because MS Surface uses only your hands for input, the device would lend itself to serving up exercises used for rehabilitating stroke victims.

Today, I saw a Tweet from the Surface team linking to an article about an application developed by VectorForm that will be used to evaluate children undergoing rehab for brain injuries. A couple of cool things about this app, is that data from the evaluations will be easy to capture since the entire procedure can be conducted entirely digitally, and the doctors and/or clinicians can create their own custom evaluations. NICE!

Anyway, even though, it's not exactly the same idea I had, I still call 100th Monkey on it.

Who knows, since it is not exactly the same as "my app", maybe I'll work on getting some grant money to flesh out a prototype. Where is that stimulus money going to anyway?